Signing Off on a Form

You can sign off on a form either in the engagement view or when viewing the form itself. The sign-offs made in one view are visible in the other view as well. There are separate sign-offs for preparers and for reviewers. At least one preparer must sign off before a reviewer can sign off. Multiple people can sign off for each role if needed.

The system will notify you if you attempt to sign off on a form that has open diagnostics. You do not have to resolve the diagnostics to complete the sign-off.

Note: Some forms also allow you to sign off on form sections. The sign-off functionality is the same as for the whole form. The only difference is that the sign-off circles are located in the relevant section of the form.

To sign off, Click the Sign Off circle that corresponds with your role, either as a preparer or reviewer. Your name will display with a date stamp beneath it.

If you later need to remove your sign-off, you can do so by clicking the x that displays at the top right of the circle with your initials.